The supply of skills and lifelong learning among VET graduates over the life course
Led by ROA with UNIPD and TLU
- Developing measures and indicators to describe and characterise VET occupations such as “vocational specificity”, and the skill content of education programmes.
- Assessing the extent to which different domains of 21st century skills are addressed in nationally defined vocational study profiles and training regulations.
- Examining institution-specific program descriptions obtained from VET institutions' websites to retrieve information on curricular approaches to skills education, teaching methods and assessment types.
- Investigating the factors affecting the choice of educational pathways, particularly the initial choice among general, technical and professional high school education and how this choice affects school career and the subsequent decision to enrol and complete college.
- Examining to what extent demand-led education improves the school to work transition.
- Examining to what extent the skills of VET graduates evolve over the life course in OECD countries.
- Establishing to what extent VET graduates engage in various lifelong learning activities (formal, non formal, informal) over the life course in OECD countries.
- Assessing the relationship between skills and various LLL activities during various stages of the working life across a wide range of contexts for VET graduates, including those who completed VET programmes earlier in their educational careers in OECD countries.
- Examining the role of policy (e.g., employment and training policy) in the relationship between skills and LLL activities among VET graduates.