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News & events

20 Years of HDCA

Researchers from ROA share S2C findings at the ELMI Conference in Brussels

At the ELMI Conference in Brussels, Ziyue Zhu, Didier Fouarge, Barbara Belfi, and Melline Somers from ROA presented findings from the S2C project...

Conference presentation - PDF

20 Years of HDCA

Presentation of joint paper ate the 20th anniversary HDCA Conference “Crises, Capabilities and Commitment”

The joint paper: The social embeddedness matters: Fairness of educational opportunities and active citizenship in different contexts”, written by Petya Ilieva-Trichkova and Pepka Boyadjieva (members of the Bulgarian team of the Skills2Capabilities project) was presented at the 20th anniversary HDCA Conference “Crises, Capabilities and Commitment”. The conference was hold in Kolkata, India, September 24-26, 2024.

Conference website

20 Years of HDCA

Presentation of joint paper ate the 20th anniversary HDCA Conference “Crises, Capabilities and Commitment”

The joint paper: The social embeddedness matters: Fairness of educational opportunities and active citizenship in different contexts”, written by Petya Ilieva-Trichkova and Pepka Boyadjieva (members of the Bulgarian team of the Skills2Capabilities project) was presented at the 20th anniversary HDCA Conference “Crises, Capabilities and Commitment”. The conference was hold in Kolkata, India, September 24-26, 2024.

Conference website

Petya Ilieva-Trichkova

Petya Ilieva-Trichkova presented a joint paper with Pepka Boyadjieva at the 16th Conference of the European Sociological Association: “Tension, Trust and Transformation”

Petya Ilieva-Trichkova, the leader of the Bulgarian team of the Skills2Capabilities project, participated in the 16th Conference of the European Sociological Association: “Tension, Trust and Transformation”. The conference was held between 27th and 30th August 2024 in Porto, Portugal. Petya Ilieva-Trichkova presented a joint paper with Pepka Boyadjieva, which was titled: Indexes as An Instrument for Measuring Social Inequalities in Higher Education.

Conference website

Conference presentation - PDF

Krivet Logo

Petya Ilieva-Trichkova presented 2 papers at the 5th International ESS Conference ‘Addressing grand societal challenges cross-nationally: Investigation, innovation and insights from 20 years of data’

Petya Ilieva-Trichkova, the leader of the Bulgarian team of the Skills2Capabilities project, took part in the 5th International ESS Conference ‘Addressing grand societal challenges cross-nationally: Investigation, innovation and insights from 20 years of data’. The conference was held between 8th and 10th July 2024 in Lisbon, Portugal. Petya Ilieva-Trichkova presented two joint papers:

  1. Graduates’ education-job mismatch and active citizenship: A European perspective towards its individual projections and their socio-economic embeddedness” (with Pepka Boyadjieva – a member of the Skills2Capabilities project)
  2. Intersecting effects of social class and gender regarding the participation in adult education in European countries with different level of digitalization before and after Covid-19 pandemic“ (with Rumiana Stoilova).

Conference website

Krivet Logo

Presentation of paper at the Third International Conference of the journal “Scuola Democratica”

The joint paper “Is Social Justice Associated with Social Cohesion: The Case of Adult Education Participation in a European Perspective”, written by Petya Ilieva-Trichkova and Pepka Boyadjieva (members of the Bulgarian team of the Skills2Capabilities project), was presented at the Third International Conference of the journal “Scuola Democratica”, which was devoted to the needs and prospects of education and/for social justice. The conference was held between 03.06. and 06.06.2024 in the University of Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy.

Conference website

Hammer and Spanner.

A new chapter in The Palgrave Handbook of Global Social Problems

We are very delighted to announce that the new chapter: Ilieva-Trichkova, P., Boyadjieva, P. (2024). Indexes as an Instrument for Measuring Inequalities in Higher Education. In: The Palgrave Handbook of Global Social Problems. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, which was partially prepared within the Skills2Capabilities project, is already published.

Hammer and Spanner.

A new article in the European Journal of Higher Education

We are very delighted to announce that the new article by Ilieva-Trichkova, P., Boyadjieva, P., & Dimitrova, R. (2024). Higher education as a public good and social cohesion: an exploratory study from a European comparative perspective, European Journal of Higher Education, which was partially prepared within the Skills2Capabilities project, is already published and is with an open access.

Krivet Logo

Korean Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training (KRIVET) has joined the Skills2Capabilities project as an associated partner

KRIVET's renowned expertise in vocational education and training, along with their extensive research capabilities and strategic networking, will significantly enhance our project. Their international perspective, cultural insights, and advanced knowledge in VET will ensure our initiatives stay relevant, innovative, and aligned with global trends, ultimately contributing to the project's overall success and impact.

Learn more about KRIVET

BBFK Conference Logo

Presentation at the 9th Austrian VET research conference 3-5 July 2024

Dr Daniel Neff and Isabelle Le Mouillour (together with our colleague Christiane Eberhardt) organized the thematic forum “From Qualification to Skills – EU-VET policy in transition?” at the 9th Austrian VET research conference Berufsbildungsforschungskonferenz - (BBFK) in Innsbruck, Austria from July 3-5, 2024. Daniel’s presentation was on work done for the S2C project.

Berufsbildungsforschungskonferenz - (BBFK)

Presentation slides - PDF

Document - PDF

Professor Ellu Saar

We mourn the passing of Professor Ellu Saar

It is with deep sadness that share the news of Professor Ellu Saar’s passing (08.10.1955 - 02.06.2024). Professor Saar was a Professor of Sociology at Tallinn University and a valued member of the Skills2Capabilities team. Professor Saar was an expert in lifelong learning, education, and social stratification. Her research and teaching have shaped the field of skills research and inspired new generations of sociologists.

Please visit the Tallin University website for more information about Professor Saar’s life and contribution to research and society. Tallin University website

Torgier Nyen

A blog by Torgier Nyen at Fafo Skills2Capabilities – insight into the research process

Fafo has had the main responsibility for facilitating comparative case studies at subject and occupational level between Norway, Italy, Germany, Austria and England of how the subjects and the education system change when changes occur in the field of work. How does e.g. the vocational training in the field of ventilation when automated systems for ventilation have become common? The professions/work fields that are studied are ventilation technology, industrial mechanics, health workers and logistics work in warehouses. The case studies have three main elements: changes in the educations/curricula, the process for change and changes in the field of work.

Read more here: Full blog

Watch the introductory video to the project here.

Please get in touch if you would like to have more information or have

The slides used in the video are available to download here:presentation slides - pdf

Hammer and Spanner.

On the islands of the Serenissima — Horizon partner meeting

Great progress was reported at the second project meeting of our Horizon Europe project Skills2Capabilities that took place in the uplifting surroundings in Venice. Project partners of the Skills2Capabilities research project, coordinated by 3s convened in Venice last week. The meeting aimed to discuss the progress achieved in all work packages and evaluate the (preliminary) results of the project so far. The project focuses on addressing the disparity between qualification supply and demand in European labour markets by examining how qualification systems can be improved.

Read more.
Didier Fouarge Explores Changing Skills Demand at Maastricht University

Horizon partner meeting

10th-12th April 2024 - Venice

Recordings from the public event are now available. Both videos come with English captions and transcripts.

Presentation of our survey on student orientation.

Results of the Pilot Survey on Student Orientation in Junior High Schools in Veneto - MediaSpace - Università degli Studi di Padova.

Roundtable discussing the timing of the choice of high school track in Italy.

The timing of choosing high school track in Italy - MediaSpace - Università degli Studi di Padova.
Didier Fouarge Explores Changing Skills Demand at Maastricht University

Fifth network conference on Policy Studies on Adult Education (PSAE)

29th February - 2nd March 2024

Petya Ilieva-Trichkova, the leader of the Bulgarian team of the Skills2Capabilities project, took part in the Fifth Network Conference on Policy Studies on Adult Education (PSAE) network of the European Society for Research on the Education of Adults (ESREA): "Problematising the Futures of Adult Education," which was held between February 29, 2024, and March 2, 2024, in Funchal, Madeira Island, Portugal. Petya Ilieva-Trichkova presented a joint paper with Pepka Boyadjieva which was titled: "Can adult education policies mitigate inequalities in adult non-formal education participation?" as a part of the session Problematising the Purpose(s) of Adult Education chaired by Marcella Milana, who is a chair of ESREA and joint convenor of the ESREA Policy Studies in Adult Education network network.

ESREA Policy Studies in Adult Education network network

Conference website
Didier Fouarge Explores Changing Skills Demand at Maastricht University

Join us for a dynamic event: SKILLS HORIZONS

8 May 2024 – 10:00–12:00 (CET)

Meet the coordinators of more than 10 HORIZON Europe projects on skill development in one virtual event celebrating the closing of the European Year of Skills.

Read more.
Hammer and Spanner.

European workforce – untapped potential? Comparing distribution and effects of skills mismatch and educational mismatch

This preliminary analysis is part of the new Skills2Capabilities project, which aims to understand how skill systems across Europe can reduce the level of skills mismatch in their labour markets and respond better to meeting skill demands in a more fluid labour market environment.

Hammer and Spanner.

European workforce – untapped potential? Comparing distribution and effects of skills mismatch and educational mismatch

This preliminary analysis is part of the new Skills2Capabilities project, which aims to understand how skill systems across Europe can reduce the level of skills mismatch in their labour markets and respond better to meeting skill demands in a more fluid labour market environment.

Didier Fouarge Explores Changing Skills Demand at Maastricht University

Didier Fouarge Explores Changing Skills Demand at Maastricht University

On 10 October 2023 Didier Fouarge of Maastricht University gave a presentation on the changing demand for skills at the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Development and Inspiration Days in Maastricht. This presentation drew upon the work of the Skills2Capabilities research.

Didier Fouarge Explores Changing Skills Demand at Maastricht University

"Skills2Capabilities” Project at the European Researchers’ Night 2023

On September 29, 2023, Svetlana Alexandrova from the Bulgarian Skills2Capabilities project team took part in the initiative „European Researchers’ Night 2023” (Sofia, Bulgaria). The aim of this event was to popularize science among the citizens; therefore, the programme covers various activities in schools, meetings of students and citizens with scientists in research institutes and universities, as well as events in public urban places.

Didier Fouarge Explores Changing Skills Demand at Maastricht University

Skills2Capabilities Project at the 2023 HDCA Conference in Sofia

Bulgarian team of the Skills2Capabilities project and project associates presented four papers and a poster at the HDCA Annual Conference “Vulnerability, human development and cooperative re-building in turbulent times”, September 11-13, 2023 in Sofia, Bulgaria.

2023 Human Development and Capability Association (HDCA) conference

2023 Human Development and Capability Association (HDCA) conference

In a new blog post, partner organization Fafo describes their role in leading S2C research on the responsiveness and proactiveness of vocational educational & training systems across Europe. The blog describes the progress thus far and the intended community benefits of this project. The post also explains the difference between working on national-level research and this type of multi-national collaborative project funded through the Horizon programme.

(Available in the original Norwegian - Link)

The HDCA logo on a purple background.

Capabilities, concepts of VET and the supply of skills – combining two frameworks

Colleagues from the Skills2Capabilities project presented part of their research at the 2023 Human Development and Capability Association (HDCA) conference in Sofia Bulgaria. Philipp Grollman and Daniel Neff of BIBB, Torgier Nyem of Fafo and Jörg Markowitsch of 3s gave a talk entitled ‘Capabilities, concepts of VET and the supply of skills - combining two frameworks.’

A man at a conference talking.

Review of the Event: Labour Shortages and Skill Mismatches

“How bad will it get? What can be done?” were the key questions of an international expert discussion on labour shortages and skill mismatches with a keynote by Ken Mayhew organised by 3s.

The event was part of the kick-off phase of the HORIZON Europe project Skills2Capabilities, which is coordinated by 3s (Jörg Markowitsch) and aims to explore how skill systems across Europe can reduce the level of skill mismatch and better respond to developments in their labour markets. The 2.4 million Euros granted project will try to incorporate the so-called human capability approach to find answers on pressing questions regarding skill mismatch on European labour markets, ranging from how to enable and support the development of future-proof skills in individuals to how companies should design and adjust workplaces to better meet demands.

People around a desk, a woman holding showing a clipboard with information on.

Researchers from the Bulgarian team took part in discussion of a Skills Strategy in Bulgaria

On June 13, 2023, in Sofia, two events related to the preparation of a Skills Strategy in Bulgaria were held, attended by members of the Bulgarian Skills2Capabilities team. Pepka Boyadjieva participated in the official presentation of the report:

"OECD Skills Strategy Bulgaria: Assessment and Recommendations"

The document was developed by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and Science and Bulgarian experts. The event was also attended by the Minister of Education and Science, the Minister of Innovation and Growth, the President of the Economic and Social Council, and the national coordinator of the European Year of Skills.